英國 Airsoft Action 雜誌(No153 – for September of 2023) 台灣花蓮 RA Tech

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Even when I was back in the UK, I was already aware of the ‘RA Tech’ name as many of my teammates at various stages in my ‘career’ (if you can call it that!) made use of their upgrade components to make their GBBRs more useful in the less tropical climes of our homeland! One of Team Honey Badgers at Ground Zero one year had a decked out WE M14 GBBR with all their trimmings making it more of a hammer in the hot bank holiday weekend… and apparently that remains one of their best-selling kits!

Stewbacca – Island Insider 及 軍武安妮 Military Anny 聯合報導/採訪 報導

於英國 Airsoft Action 雜誌(No. 153 – for September of 2023)


花蓮 RAT ech & Airsoft Taiwan

AR 02

AR 03

AR 04


中文採訪內容轉英文由 Stewbacca – Island Insider翻譯

詳細報導內容 https://reurl.cc/rLb4yN


封面 31